Tuesday, March 31, 2020

A Tale of Two Cities - Day 28 / E2

Happy Wednesday!
OK, we made it through the first day of e-learning!

First of all, thanks for all of your posts on our Flipgrid! You should go check out what other people had to say. Feel free to post responses - I did! Use this link to go directly to this topic.

For today, we are going to try a Zoom call. If you haven't used Zoom before, it is basically a live video discussion. Because this will be our first time, it will be informal. I'll talk a bit about the new calendar and a few other things. The meeting will be at the start of our usual class time - 10:30 a.m. (on April 1st). Here is the link to the meeting. You may need to allow your computer to download zoom. In case you have zoom installed and want to go directly to the meeting, use this ID: 601 637 837

After we talk for a little while, the rest of class time is set aside for reading / listening to Book 3, chapters 3-5. The recording (the Anton Lesser one, not the Mr. Hirsch one) will take about 41 minutes. You do not need to do anything other than make annotations / take notes in the way you have been doing.

See you Friday!

Welcome Back?!

Greetings! Welcome back?! Kind of?
I hope today finds you and your family doing well during these strange and difficult times.

We will ease our way back into things today with a few goals. First, we will reconnect with each other. We have a great sense of community in our class and I miss all of you! It will be great to see and hear from each other once again. Two weeks ago, during the "Act of God" days, a few of you shared videos through the Flipgrid I set up for our class. Thanks so all of you who gave it a try! Today we will put it to use as a way to just check in with each other. Just give us a little update about how things are going for you - what has been challenging, what you have been doing with your time, what you are thinking / feeling / hoping. Try to have it be between 30 and 60 seconds. Then, later today or tomorrow, spend a little time watching everyone else's videos! Here's how to connect: Go to this link: https://flipgrid.com/riglerfreshman and use the code "riglerfreshman"

Second, we need to spend some time reminding ourselves about the novel we were reading: A Tale of Two Cities. I created a (hopefully) fun way to do that by using emojis.

But first, to get us thinking about emojis, here is a little Sporcle quiz. In class, I would have run it as a competition. Good luck!

After that, here's what you will do:

  1. Go to this chart to see which chapter(s) you were assigned, and which slides you will use in the slideshow.
  2. Go to this slideshow. The directions are on the first slide and here as well. 
    1. You will create two slides: 
    2. The first one is just emojis - no words! (even though the example uses words). On it, you must include two key points / events from the chapter and one quotation.
    3. The second one gives “the answer” - writing out the two points / events and the quotation.
    4. Make sure you put your work onto your assigned slides!
    5. Have fun designing your slide! use any background or design you like. Also, please name which chapters you are emoji-fying!
Tomorrow we will look through the slide show and I'll share the calendar of the next few weeks with you. If you have any questions, please email me at nrigler@dist113.org - I'll be online all day and then I'll check it periodically throughout the afternoon and evening.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Wednesday, March 18 - "Act of God" Day 1

It was great to see some of your video posts to our Flipgrid over the past few days!
In case you don't know what I'm talking about, I set up a Flipgrid (it's a video discussion board) for our class and I tested it out over the past few days.

So, what is the plan for us? Good question!
As you know, none of the work over these three days will be collected or will count toward your grade. This also means the calendar we were using up to this point is no longer valid. When we return to "classes" on March 31st, we'll figure everything out.

One thing you can do over the next few days is to make sure you have completed 15 Multi-Genre responses, and you have them all in one place. If there are some of them you want to re-do or add to, that would be great! Also, make sure you have your copy of the book. In case you were not able to get your copy from school for whatever reason, there are many versions of the book online. The page numbers will be off, but the text is the same.

The other thing I'd like to do is to keep our community going. Hopefully, by this point in the year, you realize that is an important part of our class - it's not just about academics in the traditional sense. We've played games together, worked in groups together, and gotten to know each other. I think it is meaningful and important to keep that going!

So, I'll be adding a new topic to the Flipgrid and asking you to post a short video response. We will be using this tool when we return to school, so it will also be helpful to try it out and get used to it now. If you haven't tried it out yet, it's pretty easy. Just go here: flipgrid.com/riglerfreshman and use the code "riglerfreshman"

  • The question for today is: With all of the information you've seen about COVID-19 and all of the videos of people dealing with it and all of the things different people have said, what has been the most powerful for you? Or, what has brought a smile to your face? Or what has been the most challenging? If you want, you can even add a link to it in your response!

In the meantime, stay safe and wash your hands! Miss you!

Monday, March 16, 2020

Special Post - Monday, March 16

Happy Monday! Wow - things have been changing pretty quickly. Looks like we might not be seeing each other in person for quite a while. But that doesn't mean we can't stay in touch! I posted another video to our Flipgrid. Don't know how to use it? Want to see what others have posted so far? Go here to check it out with the link below. The code is "riglerfreshman"


Friday, March 13, 2020

Special Post - Friday, March 13th

Greetings! Happy Friday the 13th!

Well, we're not going to see each other in person for a little while, so things are going to be a little different for our class. I'm going to try out a few different ways of having lessons, other than simple handouts. The first tool I want to try is Flipgrid - maybe some of you have used it before.

Here is a link to the Flipgrid I set up for our class. The code is "riglerfreshman" - check it out! Please post something!

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

A Tale of Two Cities - Day 27

Happy Wednesday!

Today we will be listening to chapters 1 and 2 of book 3. We will discuss it along the way. Here are some images of the Grindstone from chapter 2:

Yikes! Scary stuff!

For Friday, read chapters 3 and 4.

As a reminder, on Monday I will check in 10 of your multi-genre pieces. Please be sure to bring them in whatever form you have them - since you only need to bring 10 instead of the 15 you have completed up to this point, feel free to choose the ones you can most easily transport.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

A Tale of Two Cities - Day 26

Today there is an in-class writing assignment.

With the remaining time, we will start to listen to the recording of chapter one of book three.

For tomorrow, you have the next multi-genre piece due.

Monday, March 9, 2020

A Tale of Two Cities - Day 25

Happy Monday!

Today you'll meet in your groups to review the final chapters of book two. This is also preparation for the in-class writing tomorrow. Please be sure to check the calendar for updates - I have moved several things around. The homework for tonight is to be ready for tomorrow - you will be able to use your notebooks, books, and handouts. You will not be able to use any electronic resources.

Friday, March 6, 2020

A Tale of Two Cities - Day 24

Happy Friday! It's Revolution time!

The action of the book has shifted to the French Revolution. In order for you to fully understand it, you'll do a short research project today. Here are the details.

Once you are finished, we'll review the presentation and the events in chapters 21 and 22.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

A Tale of Two Cities - Day 23

Happy Wednesday!

We'll start today with a review of chapters 19 and 20, using this slideshow:

After that, you will have time to create an M-G response to these chapters. Toward the end of the period, you will share your work with another person. Use this evaluation form for your comments.

Note there are some minor changes to the calendar, in terms of when the next M-Gs are due.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

A Tale of Two Cities - Day 22

Happy Monday Tuesday! I hope you enjoyed the long weekend!

Today we will spend some time reviewing the events of chapters 15 and 16, specifically focusing on Madame DeFarge and her interaction with John Barsad.

After that, you'll work with your group to explore what has been going on with Doctor Manette. You'll use this handout to guide your work. Be sure to complete it - we'll use it in class tomorrow.

For tonight, you are reading chapters 19 and 20.