Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Othello - Day 13

Today we'll finish our look at Act III, Scene 3. After you act out the rest of the scenes, you'll write your own conclusion, based on the work you did with your partner.

After that, you'll meet with your group to have a discussion about the results, as well as these other questions from Act III, Scene 4 and Act IV, Scene 1:
  • What words/actions from Desdemona add to Othello's changing thoughts about her?
  • What sort of person is Emilia, and what seems to be the nature of her relationship with her husband Iago? 
  • What is the importance of the handkerchief to Othello?
  • How does Desdemona's handkerchief come into play within the relationship between Emilia and Iago?
  • Why does Othello have powerful physical reactions to Iago's information? What might this mean?
  • What happens with Cassio and Bianca?
  • What is Othello's original plan for dealing with Desdemona? Why does it change?
  • What is the news that arrives from Venice?
  • How is Othello changing in act 4? What is the effect of his public humiliation of Desdemona by slapping her?
Be sure to take notes - I'll be using the wheel to call on people for our discussion!