Tuesday, September 24, 2019

American Street - Day 13

Happy Tuesday!

We will start off today with some time to review the paragraphs you wrote two weeks ago. Please be sure to read the comments and the rubric. I will discuss these points:
  • Informal language
    • "Don't mess with the bull or you'll get the horns"
    • "A good quote to show this is..." - "The topic I'll focus on is..."
  • Introducing quotations
    • "On page 56 it shows..."
  • Thesis statements
  • Observations vs interpretations
  • Evidence - be sure your evidence proves your point and is not just an example
    • "When Dray reaches the singing man, [he] grabs the collar of the old man's dirty coat and punches him until his body is limp" - violence has a negative impact on Fabiola and her view of the United States and those who live in it
Next, we will review the assignment and start the process of writing it.
You'll start the brainstorming activity during class today and then finish it for homework tonight. It is due by the start of class tomorrow.