Wednesday, September 4, 2019

American Street - Day 2

Happy Wednesday! Here are the groups for our unit on Zoboi's American Street.

Today you will work with your group to explore the characters and settings of the novel:
  1. Fabiola
  2. Donna & Dray
  3. Pri & Chantal
  4. Manman and Haiti (Haitian things)
  5. Aunt Jo the house
The first person on the group list is today's secretary. This person will create a document to keep track of your work for today and share it with everyone else in the group. 
  • Read your journal responses to chapter 3.
  • Spend time looking through the first three chapters for information about your character/setting. Talk with your group - did you write about your character? What did you say? What questions do you have?
    • Start your document with a list of these details and questions
  • Gather 8-10 quotations - these can be things said by your character, descriptions of them, or actions described in the narrative. Type these, including page numbers, into the document.
    • Everyone can help with this part by typing in a quotation or two
  • The secretary will submit this document to Schoology
Poster time! Once you have completed your column of the chart, it's time to take that information and turn it into a poster about your character/setting. Your poster needs to include:
  • The name(s) of your character/setting in big letters
  • A central image - this does not need to be a drawing of a person - maybe there is an object or another type of illustration you create. It should be based on descriptions, details, and even colors mentioned in the text. If you'd like, I can project an image for you to trace.
  • All of your quotations. You can organize these and write them out any way you'd like
We will be presenting these towards the end of the period and then hanging them in the classroom!

Your homework for Tuesday is to read chapter 4 & Princess's story, then write a journal response. Enjoy the carnival and the long weekend!