Monday, April 6, 2020

A Tale of Two Cities - Day 30 / E4

Happy Monday! I hope you are all doing well. These are not easy days for any of us as so many parts of our lives have been turned upside down! I do hope you are able to do some things that bring you happiness! I was able to get outside a bit over the last few days and enjoy the sunshine, even though the warm weather and spring blossoms are still a few weeks away.

For today and tomorrow, you are reading (and listening to, if you'd like) the next chapters of the book. For Monday, read chapters 7 and 8. For Tuesday, read chapters 9 and 10. Annotate / take notes as you have been doing. You're going to want to make use of it all later!

Pay close attention! The details and twists and turns in the story come quickly at this point - there's a lot to keep track of! Things you thought you knew get changed, characters you didn't think were important suddenly play a larger role, and the way it all comes together is still a mystery!

We will have a zoom meeting on Thursday - be sure to check your email on Wednesday for the link and the password.

Please let me know if you have any questions. Also, if there is anything else beyond just class stuff I can be helpful with, let me know.

See you Thursday!