Wednesday, April 15, 2020

A Tale of Two Cities - Day 34 / E8

It's time for the last chapter of A Tale of Two Cities! So much has been happening over the last few chapters and now it all comes to a close. I'm looking forward to talking about it all with you and then seeing what you will make of it with your final projects.

After you read "Chapter the last" today, you will create an M-G response to the end of the book.

Then, think about these questions:

  1. Does the novel end in the way you expected? How so? Why?
  2. Which character were you most interested in? Why? Did you sympathize with that character? Did you find something about that character to be especially powerful or meaningful?
  3. What points do you think Dickens was trying to make with this novel? If the novel is the answer to a question, what is that question?

We will talk about those in our discussion on Friday. You do not need to write out answers but it would be helpful to have some notes.

Also, on Friday, your group will discuss one of you will answer one of these questions (the one corresponding to the number of your group - see group numbers below):

  1. What is the role of women in the story? Think about: mothers, sisters, wives, single women. Name and explain a specific character this applies to.
  2. What does the novel say about the conflict between a sense of duty and commitment with that of desire? Name and explain a specific character this applies to.
  3. What does the novel say about the role emotions play in controlling one’s actions? Name and explain specific characters this applies to.
  4. Explain the role of the phrase “recalled to life” in the novel. Name and explain specific characters this applies to.
  5. What does the novel say about the ways in which a person’s past plays a role in their future? Name and explain a specific character this applies to.

Matt S
Josh D
Ben G
Matt F
Josh M
Ben S

Yes - you will have a short group discussion! We will all join together for a class zoom call at 8:30 a.m. on Friday (I will send you the link and invite on Thursday night). I will put your group into a breakout room for about 8 minutes to discuss your question, then we will all come back together. You will share your answers and we will all discuss both them and the reflection questions. Also on Friday, I will give you a preview of the final project.

So, to recap:

Today - Read the final chapter; create an M-G about the last chapter; review and think about questions, making notes as needed
Friday - Zoom call at 8:30. Be prepared to answer questions both in small groups and whole-class discussion.

See you Friday!